Tuesday 18 February 2020

What are the 5 things you need to know about your AOL 9.0 subscribers?

AOL makes to be a crucial platform for many users as it brings in various useful mail
oriented applications for its users. AOL has been into existence from last many years and
since then, it has been providing best applications for its users. It is easy to use and if
required, users may obtain easy help with AOL Phone Number UK .

These are some of the interesting aspects of AOL that subscribers must know:

1. All your graphics are blocked by default – It is a drastic measure taken up by AOL to
block all the graphics from being displayed in the HTML emails as well as
deactivating the links for any new messages that are being sent to AOL 9 inbox. The
system is also made to learn about the messages that are marked as spam, and are
automatically sent to the junk folder. To view any graphics in your email you have to
click on a link given at the top of every email.

Image result for What are the 5 things you need to know about your AOL 9.0 subscribers?

2. Your open rates are likely affected – The new AOL 9 blocks the open tracking tools
by default. Hence, you will start seeing lesser number of if your email publishing
system uses ‘open tracking’ to count the number of people who have opened your

3. Ask your subs to add you to their address book – You should remind to the people
using AOL to put you in their address book. You can send to the folks using AOL
mail services. If you need help for this, contact AOL support number UK.

Image result for What are the 5 things you need to know about your AOL 9.0 subscribers?

4. Make sure your from address is consistent – This should n 't be a problem unless your
list server/e-mail publishing program generates a different FROM address with each
e-mail you send. AOL does not show its users from your label, it just displays your
true FROM address.

5. Bottom line: never rely on images to convey your message – It’s for sure having fun
with graphics in your HTML, but it is recommended not to reply on those graphics to
get your messages across. You must look at the issue, once it is complete and ready to
end and pretend that all the graphics are gone.

All the features and applications of AOL are easy to use but in case of any issues, easy help
may be availed with AOL Helpline Number UK .

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